Sunday, May 25, 2014

C-130 Hercules Build

While thinking about my next RC Aeroplane to build, the C-130 has captured my attention, as well as the fact I have a full set of plans to build one. I,ve had the plans for some while, but never had time to build it but i think the time has come. Im planning it to be ready next summer, but we will see. I want to do scale detail down to the rivets, so im not going to rush it, so maybe summer 2016.
Im hoping it will be good medical therapy for me, after my recent illness since last september. Just latley, I have had many down days and tried to remain positive but it has been difficult. Having been started on a new medicine, Im hoping it will help me feel my usual self and with this build, i may feel good again.
Today has not been as bad as days have been latley, I played for mass today and come home and changed my snakes waters. I have a model rocket too, which im preparing to fly this summer and have put the last set of decals on this afternoon and its looking great. I was walking home from church and had a little visitor waiting for me, another box turtle. I take them around the back of my house so they can head into the brush and not onto the busy main road. Recently, we have stopped on our journeys to move turtles out the road, they have all been box turtles except one on friday. He was an Alligator Snapping turtle, and was definatly not happy being picked up, but i was only saving his life. He was whipping me with his tail, mouth wide open and kicking like hes doing martial arts. He was determined to get me and once i placed him on the ground, he turned facing me and moved in every direction i moved. He was not happy.
So, now to open the C-130 plans and start studying them to know whats what.
As I build the aeroplane, I will post photos showing my progress. Im looking forward to the build and will have to have a trip to Scott AFB to get some research done on the C-130 on display at the gate.

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