Sunday, May 25, 2014

C-130 Hercules Build

While thinking about my next RC Aeroplane to build, the C-130 has captured my attention, as well as the fact I have a full set of plans to build one. I,ve had the plans for some while, but never had time to build it but i think the time has come. Im planning it to be ready next summer, but we will see. I want to do scale detail down to the rivets, so im not going to rush it, so maybe summer 2016.
Im hoping it will be good medical therapy for me, after my recent illness since last september. Just latley, I have had many down days and tried to remain positive but it has been difficult. Having been started on a new medicine, Im hoping it will help me feel my usual self and with this build, i may feel good again.
Today has not been as bad as days have been latley, I played for mass today and come home and changed my snakes waters. I have a model rocket too, which im preparing to fly this summer and have put the last set of decals on this afternoon and its looking great. I was walking home from church and had a little visitor waiting for me, another box turtle. I take them around the back of my house so they can head into the brush and not onto the busy main road. Recently, we have stopped on our journeys to move turtles out the road, they have all been box turtles except one on friday. He was an Alligator Snapping turtle, and was definatly not happy being picked up, but i was only saving his life. He was whipping me with his tail, mouth wide open and kicking like hes doing martial arts. He was determined to get me and once i placed him on the ground, he turned facing me and moved in every direction i moved. He was not happy.
So, now to open the C-130 plans and start studying them to know whats what.
As I build the aeroplane, I will post photos showing my progress. Im looking forward to the build and will have to have a trip to Scott AFB to get some research done on the C-130 on display at the gate.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

St Louise De Marillac and Depression & Music

St Louise of Marillac,
Feast day March 15th
Born:1591 (Proabably)

Saint Louise of Marillac, (Around August 12, 1591 - March 15, 1660) was the co-founder, with St. Vincent de Paul, of the Daughters of Charity. She is venerated as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church.
Louise de Marillac was born probably at Ferrieres-en-Brie near Meux, France, on August 12, 1591. She was educated by the Dominican nuns at Poissy. She desired to become a nun but on the advice of her confessor, she married Antony LeGras, an official in the Queen's service, in 1613. After Antony's death in 1625, she met St Vincent de Paul, who became her spiritual adviser. She devoted the rest of her life to working with him. She helped direct his Ladies of Charity in their work of caring for the sick, the poor, and the neglected. In 1633 she set up a training center, of which she was Director in her own home, for candidates seeking to help in her work. This was the beginning of the Sisters (or Daughters, as Vincent preferred) of Charity of St Vincent De Paul (though it was not formally approved until 1655). She took her vows in 1634 and attracted great numbers of candidates. She wrote a rule for the community, and in 1642, Vincent allowed four of the members to take vows. Formal approval placed the community under Vincent and his Congregation of the Missions, with Louise as Superior. She traveled all over france establishing her Sisters in hospitals, orphanages, and other institutions. By the time of her death in Paris on March 15, the Congregation had more than forty houses in France. Since then they have spread all over the world. She was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1934, and was declared Patroness of Social Workers by Pope John XXIII in 1960.

Depression and Music

By helping people express their emotions, music therapy, when combined with standard care, appears to be an effective treatment for depression, at least in the short term, say researchers from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland who write about their findings in the August issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry.
Study leaders Professor Jaakko Erkkilä and Professor Christian Gold, and colleagues, recruited 79 people of working age (18 to 50 years old) living in Finland, who had been diagnosed with depression using the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders.
The participants were randomly assigned to receive twenty, 60-minute sessions of individual music therapy plus standard care (33 people), or standard care only (46 people). In Finland, standard care for depression comprises antidepressant medication, 5 to 6 sessions of individual psychotherapy, and psychiatric counselling.
Twice a week, with the help of trained music therapists, in one-to-one sessions, the participants in the intervention group learned how to improvise music using a mallet instrument, a percussion instrument or an acoustic, West African djembe drum.
On average, each participant in this group attended 18 sessions with 88% (29 individuals) attending at least 15 sessions.and the conclusion was that individual music therapy combined with standard care is effective for depression among working-age people with depression. The results of this study along with the previous research indicate that music therapy with its specific qualities is a valuable enhancement to established treatment practices.This, I am in no way saying should replace medication but rather a therapy combined with medication.

Friday, March 14, 2014

St Matilda, Albert Einstein & Depression and Meditation

St Matilda, Patron saint of large families

Matilda was the daughter of Count Dietrich of Westphalia and Reinhild of Denmark. She was also known as Mechtildis and Maud. She was raised by her grandmother, the Abbess of Eufurt convent. Matilda married Henry the Fowler, son of Duke Otto of Saxony, in the year 909.
she devoted herself to building three convents and a monastery, was left in charge of the kingdom when Otto went to Rome in 962 to be crowned Emperor (often regarded as the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire), and spent most of the declining years of her life at the convent at Nordhausen she had built. She died at the monastery at Quedlinburg on March 14 and was buried there with Henry. Her feast day is March 14th.

Albert Einstein

Today is the birthday of Albert Einstein, born march 14th 1879. He was the son of of a jewish engineer in Ulm, Germany.
Einstein's theories of special and general relativity drastically altered man's view of the universe, and his work in particle and energy theory helped make possible quantum mechanics and, ultimately, the atomic bomb.
Albert Einstein, one of the most creative minds in human history, died in Princeton in 1955.

Deppresion and Meditation

While doing some research on Depression and Meditation, it seems that this is a wonderful natural remedy combined with the correct Depression drugs.
First, mediation helps calm the body and mind and find some inner peace. It gives the body some much time needed to relax and rejuvenate.
Meditation causes your body to release endorphins and neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which is a chemical that helps to prevent depression and seems to help keep our moods under control by helping with sleep, calming anxiety, and relieving depression.
If you suffer from clinical depression, then you’ll know that it can affect your whole body, leaving you feeling lethargic, unmotivated and physically exhausted. If you are experiencing any of these physical symptoms of depression, then you may find that you become physically inactive and prone to stewing on negative thoughts. It’s a vicious cycle - depression leads to inactivity and low energy levels, which then lead to more time spent chewing on negative thoughts, which then leads to deeper depression and even lower energy levels.
For this reason, i think physical exercise is a help if you are feeling depressed. I know that it can be hard to motivate yourself to be physically active if you are feeling down, but exercise is one of the most powerful natural remedies for depression. Gentle forms of exercise such as walking will be of tremendous benefit (and will get you outside for some fresh air .
If you can bring yourself to become physically active and also to put some time aside to meditate, it seems that it  will be engaging in one way to help out in the battle against depression.
Today, started of with playing organ for school mass, and come home to write my blog. I think it,s time to go and paint a suncatcher today. Oh, I just realised, I cant have my usual chicken sandwich today being friday, so out comes some fish,uuummmmm.
I have heard a interesting point from a catholic point of view but dont know if it,s true or not. I was told that what ever one gives up for lent, one can have or do on Sundays, even during lent. Anyone know if this is true, please let me know.
For now, have a good day and cherio
In Christe Regge Et Maria

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Saint Leander of Seville

St Leander of Seville (550-600)

Today is the saint day for St Leander of Seville who as bishop introduced the Nicene Creed of the mass in the sixth century.
He saw it as a way to help reinforce the faith of his people and as an antidote against the heresy of Arianism, which denied the divinity of Christ.
By the end of his life, Leander had helped Christianity flourish in Spain at a time of political and religious upheaval.
He entered a monastery as a young man and spent three years in prayer and study. At the end of that tranquil period he was made a bishop.

Today, I have felt quite good after my first increase in my medication and awaiting my ECT on tuesday.
I have done some of that dreaded word, house cleaning today as well as relaxing watching Pawn Stars on the history channel.
I love my craft projects and think it,s important when suffering from MH issues.
My study in Forensic Ballistics is going well and I think i have read enough for one day.
Now, time to go and check on my roast in the slow cooker,if it dont taste good, it definatly smells good.

My New Blog

Good morning all, it looks like it will be a nice day other than a bit chilly. Today, i am setting out to work on building the worlds smallest Rosary. I have the beads, cord and cross. It will be a challenge.
Each day, i hope to acknowledge the saint of the day, there are many that are not so well known.
At present, im continuing my study in Forensic Ballistics and am progressing well i feel.